Certainty and timing are crucial for major investment and development decisions and the success of project outcomes. This is why Whitehorse City Council established the Investment and Development Facilitation Service to assist major investments in the City of Whitehorse.
This service is a ‘one stop shop’ for large-scale/major investment projects which seeks to create an open, transparent process and improve the alignment between investment (private, government and institutional investment) and the community’s vision and aspirations for the City of Whitehorse.
Key features:
- Discussion with Council can begin prior to the purchase or lease of property.
- Establishment of a pre-application advisory committee to discuss the proposal and Council processes.
- Coordinated advice from Council officers across the relevant departments through an appointed Project Case Manager.
- Greater certainty regarding expectations and timing.
- Advice concerning requirements of other government agencies and utilities.
- Application monitoring with progress advice and assistance.
For more information on the Whitehorse Investment and Development Facilitation Service, contact the Investment and Economic Development Unit on business@whitehorse.vic.gov.au or phone 9262 6333.